

Welcome to 40 acres of growing, learning, and gratitude.

When you push your feet—your bare feet—into the ground here, you will engage with this living, cultivated ecosystem. You will feel:

  • Earthworms tunneling through living soil, black and nutrient-dense from many years of careful no-till cultivation.
  • Squash, potato, and corn plants recycling our waste streams into sugar and starch and protein
  • Filbert and walnut trees deepening their roots to provide us food for generations to come
  • Water flowing downhill from our gardens to our forest to our wetlands
  • A parade of geese rallying for shade on a sunny summer afternoon
  • Adolescent Icelandic sheep jumping over fallen alder branches to find their midday snack—the juiciest patch of blackberries
  • The love from the many hands that have held and built, mended and embraced this place.

This might feel like an oasis. But in many ways, this is a model for everyday life. We don’t seek to romanticize. We offer the labor of our bodies; we bring our most challenging questions; we sweat; we get really dirty; we make mistakes; we redesign, and we try again. At the Dirt Rich School, a part of Compass Rose Farms, we find beauty in both slowing down and keeping up with nature’s seasonal rhythms. We lay low—to the ground—to listen with humility, generosity, and curiosity. And we learn from the best teachers: Mother Nature and each other. Over the years, the energy invested into this place from our community far and near has cultivated a living sanctuary. Surrounded by old growth forest, bio-diverse gardens, a developing food forest, orchard, and meandering streams, we welcome healing, self-(re)discovery, growing pains, and rejuvenation.

From our vantage point—on the Olympic Peninsula along the Discovery Bay, just east of the Olympic Mountains—we see a need to restore the connections between human beings and all other earth beings. In nature, every single organism and element has a specific role and function. As humans, it is time to sink back into our role within this larger system and do our part to build community, abundance, and resilience.

For more information about Compass Rose Farms go to our new website at


Empowering people to live in abundance and thrive in a changing world.


Come stay with us and experience the land and all it has to teach you.